Busy Bee Plumbing, Heating, & Air Conditioning Inc. Blog: Archive for the ‘Plumbing’ Category

3 Signs That You Might Need a Water Softener

Monday, January 16th, 2023

Hard water can be a problem that affects all homes in our area, from smaller ones to larger ones. It’s more of a regional problem depending on where your water comes from and how it’s filtered from a municipal standpoint. If your access to water comes from a well pump then you’re more likely to see hard water problems than if you get clean city water—but even city water can be too hard.

No, hard water isn’t specifically hard. It’s not going to hurt you or cut you. It’s just a term we use to describe water that’s infused with minerals that it naturally leeches out of the ground. These minerals are easy for your body to digest and they’re not bad for you, but they’re not going to be good for your plumbing system or other aspects of your life. In the following three cases, you’re going to want a water softener in Nashville, TN.

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The Four Types of Emergency Plumbers

Monday, November 21st, 2022

So, the time has come and your drain has started leaking into a slippery puddle on your kitchen floor. Before the panic causes your blood pressure to skyrocket and you start cancelling all of your plans the night, we want you to take a deep breath. It’s going to be okay.

Seriously, as your friendly neighborhood plumber, we see this kind of stuff all the time. It’s not the end of the world, and as long as you can shut your water off so that the leak stops happening, then you’re in good shape. Since you’re not a plumber, it’s not really your job or expertise to handle this kind of thing—it’s ours!

But, before you start searching online and calling friends with plumbing experience, we need to cover an important topic. Here are the four main types of plumbers you’ll come across when you start searching for emergency plumbers in Franklin, TN.

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The Most Affordable Way to Repair a Sink

Monday, October 24th, 2022

Plumbing problems can be tricky because they rarely happen when we would like them to. That month when you had plenty of savings and not much going on? That was the month that everything worked smoothly. But the moment you decided to host a holiday party and get your whole family together, that’s when the plumbing problems ramp up and the stress can seem unbearable.

Well, the good news is that nothing is unfixable. Plumbing systems are designed to specifically be repaired over long periods of time, just like most other systems in a home. Sink plumbing in Lebanon, TN is actually one of the most affordable types of services offered, so you might be luckier than you think.

Today, we’d like to focus on two things. The first will be some of the common problems that can occur with a sink, and the second will be the most affordable ways to treat those issues and fix them for good.

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3 Big Hints About Your Toilet Plumbing

Monday, August 15th, 2022

Your toilet is a part of your everyday life. There’s just no getting around the fact that when you need toilet repairs in Lebanon, TN, they need to be done in a timely manner. Nobody likes or enjoys having to use the second bathroom, or even having to use a neighbor’s bathroom because the toilet isn’t working properly!

Well, our blog is primarily aimed at teaching our customers about the benefits of professional plumbing services, as well as teaching about some of the most important plumbing processes in our homes. Since your toilet runs every day to flush away waste, we thought it made sense to talk about three important tips for your toilet plumbing.

Remember, while some components of a toilet might have a shorter lifespan than others, you can always rely on a trusted professional plumber from our team to do the job for you. We get things done right, every time.

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